Драйверы для Diamond Multimedia SupraSST 56i Pro DF

У Вас есть модем Diamond Multimedia SupraSST 56i Pro DF? Вы ищете драйвер для модема Diamond Multimedia SupraSST 56i Pro DF? Вы на правильном пути. Только на нашем сайте Вы сможете найти и скачать требуемый в этом случае системой драйвер. Ниже Вы увидите список имеющихся у нас в каталоге драйверов для модема Diamond Multimedia SupraSST 56i Pro DF. Вам осталось выбрать подходящий для вашей операционной системы драйвер. Скорее всего, ваша операционная система - Unknown OS Platform.

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Драйвер модема

Драйвера для настройки функций модема на Diamond Multimedia SupraSST 56i Pro DF. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание  
2.13.06a-r2 21.10.2006 Win95, Win98 The following are Windows 9x drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem (-11 chipset), SUP2850. These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
1.63 Мб
2.13.06a-r2 21.10.2006 Win95, Win98 The following are Windows 9x drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem (-12 chipset), SUP2850. \r\n
Note: These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
1.63 Мб
2.13.06 21.10.2006 Win95, Win98 The following are the original Windows 9x drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem, SUP2850. These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
969.49 Кб
2.14.07b 21.10.2006 WinME The following are Windows Millenium Edition (ME) drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem, SUP2850. \r\n
These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
984.64 Кб
2.13.12a 20.10.2006 Windows 2000 The following are Windows 2000 drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem, SUP2850. Because of WHQL certification issues, these are included as a .zip file; not a self-extracting executable.\r\n
These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
1.44 Мб
2.13.12 20.10.2006 Windows 2000 The following are Windows 2000 drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem (-11 chipset), SUP2850. These drivers resolve issues with the speaker not turning of fproperly during connection, and are necessary only for modems with chipset R6793-11.
1.03 Мб
2.11.06a 20.10.2006 WinNT 4.x The following are Windows NT 4.0 drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem (-11 chipset), SUP2850. These drivers resolve issues with the speaker not turning of fproperly during connection, and are necessary only for modems with chipset R6793-11.
986.47 Кб
2.08.02 20.10.2006 WinNT 4.x The following are Windows NT 4.0 drivers for the SupraSST 56i Pro DF modem, SUP2850.\r\n
Note: These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
1.00 Мб
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